About Lisa Pattenden


Have you ever thought to yourself, why do I not feel good after finally getting through my breast cancer treatment? Are you wondering why you just can’t get excited about getting up and heading to work in the morning after finally being done with all the medical stuff? Do you have disconnect in the relationships you have with your partner, family and friends?

This blog was created by me, Lisa Pattenden, and I started it to share information as well as connect you to the things, as a coach, I do for survivors. My goal is to empower you with information that will help you move forward into the next chapter in your life. It doesn’t have to be a big guessing game. If you are wondering where the disconnect is and can’t quite connect with who you were before or don’t connect with who you were before, let me help you.

I have worked with women for over 12 years and specifically with breast cancer survivors for the past 3 years. I’ve developed a systematic approach to help survivors step back into a vibrant and confident life. No more feeling scared of what comes next. No more feeling like there is something missing because I will help you find the pieces that you can’t find or that are hidden. Allow me to step into this moment in your life with you so that we can work together to find your inner sparkle again. I know it’s in you and I welcome the chance to help you connect with it.

I am Lisa Pattenden and I help you find your inner sparkle and connect with your confidence again. My company in My Absolute Image, where you can find the definitive you and be confident in every step you take forward.

May you go and sparkle!

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